
Hay is the most important part of an adult rabbit’s diet. It is high in fiber, which keeps the digestive tract moving, helping to prevent blockages and stasis. In addition, hay helps to sustain healthy teeth by helping to reduce the risk of molar spurs.

Hay Types

Hay TypeRabbit AgeAdditional Notes
AlfalfaYoung (< 7 months)Also used for nursing mothers and rabbits with health conditions. Has too much protein for adult rabbits.
Timothy HayAdult
Orchard GrassAdultLess dusty; tends to be better for those with grass allergies.
Meadow HayAdult
Brome HayAdult
Oat HayAdult

Good hay should always smell like grass. Never feed your rabbit moldy hay because it can make a rabbit seriously ill. Also, if your hay does not have a fresh smell, your rabbit may not eat it, which can thereby compromise his or her gut motility (passage of food through the system).

Rabbits will go through a surprising amount of hay (roughly a bunch the same size as the rabbit, daily). Because of this, we recommend purchasing hay in larger quantities because it’s generally much cheaper that way.

We use Oxbow hay products with our rescues, and carry both small and large quantities that are available for purchase.