General Guidelines
- Unlimited water
- Unlimited hay
- Fresh greens 1-2 times per day
- A small amount of high quality pelleted food
- Treats!

Dietary Changes
If your bunny hasn’t been on a healthy diet, you will need to make the switch gradually. A rabbit’s digestive system is very sensitive, so avoid drastic changes. The common rule of thumb is to only introduce one new food item per week as long as it is tolerated well. Start with small quantities of new foods.
If you want to move to a new type of pelleted food, start by mixing the new food with the old one. Gradually decrease the amount of the old food and increase the amount of the new food over the course of a week. Make sure to monitor your bunny throughout the process.
Provide unlimited fresh water daily, either in a water bottle or a bowl that can’t be tipped over, or both!
Adults, teenagers and babies should have an unlimited amount of fresh hay— timothy, orchard, meadow, and oat is for adults. Alfalfa is for babies, nursing mothers, seniors, and bunnies recovering from surgery or illness. Hay is nutritious, as well as critical roughage for prevention of life threatening fur blockages. A cat litter box filled with hay works well. Stuff empty, unbleached toilet paper rolls with hay to give your rabbit a project!
See hay page for more information.
Fresh Greens
Adult rabbits should also have an assortment of fresh greens daily. Make sure greens are washed and haven’t been sprayed with chemicals. Do not feed beans, potatoes, rhubarb, onions or corn.
See fresh greens page for more information.
Food Pellets
Look for pelleted food that is mostly timothy hay (for adult rabbits) or alfalfa hay (for young, nursing, or sick rabbits). Avoid rabbit foods that contain dried fruit, nuts, and colored bits, as these are unhealthy for your bunny. We recommend Oxbow Adult Rabbit Food and Oxbow Baby Rabbit Food- we like them so much we even carry them!
Pelleted food is not a necessary part of a rabbit’s diet, but most rabbits really enjoy them. They should be limited because many rabbits have a tendency to overeat, and can quickly become overweight.
See food pellets page for more information.
Avoid yogurt drops and other sugary treats, as well as human crackers and sweets. A small piece of banana, apple, raisin, or berry will send your rabbit into bunny heaven!
See treats page for more information.